I was just surfing in Friendster... Following a natural inclination I went for pages of ELDDS members. And then as I read their little bits of text here and there, saw their LTC photos and the little captions and all that, it struck me then how much I wanted to return to VS, not to study of course, but to feel that sense of unity we all took for granted for four years. Just walking along the connecting pathways, stealthily taking the lift to seventh floor just to look down on everything and say to myself, 'Wow... I was actually part of this legacy.' I don't even have to meet the teachers (that's like a bonus). Just walk around, mingle aroung strangers during recess, sit at empty tables, relieved that the crowd is gone, so many things I can do. Go to the school hall and sing Dich Teure Halle (Ah, Lovely Hall).
Sigh, if only I could. But work doesn't want warrant that kind of time. I can only look forward to results day, not to get my results, but to meet old friends.
One more thing, I just realised how much I missed walking in on ELDDS meetings and getting everyone on their toes(well, almost everyone... Sagar won't be in the least affected if Pavarotti sang Only You in his ear).
Ah, Victoria, Victoria...
Wir kommen nicht, zu bemuttern zurück, weil wir nie wirklich verließen.
Non rinviamo, Madre, perché mai realmente abbiamo andato.(
Nous ne retournons pas, mère, parce que nous sommes jamais vraiment partis.
(We do not return, Mother, because we never really left.)
orchestrated by Renhao at 6:06:00 pm
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